Custom Logo ERB's Class 3 Mesh Safety Vest - S662

Product Description
If you're looking for a cost-effective way to increase worker safety and visibility, this custom printed ANSI 107 Class 3 compliant sleeved safety vest from ERB is a terrific choice. For wearer comfort in a variety of conditions, the custom safety vest is made of breathable 100% polyester mesh, and has a convenient front hook-and-loop closure. Two-inch reflective tape runs around the center, over each shoulder, and around each arm, ensuring visibility. Available in safety orange and lime-green, this safety vest is perfect for keeping on hand when customized with your name or safety message.
When adding Custom Scotchlight we would recommend contacting customer service to make sure that there is no issues with the logo.
Product Details
- 100% polyester mesh
- No pockets

Production Time
7 - 14 Business Days, or sooner after art sheet is approved.
Need it sooner? No problem!
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.

Production Time
7 - 14 Business Days, or sooner after art sheet is approved.
Need it sooner? No problem!
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.